Ep. 33 Erik Moynihan (Magpie Brewing Co. - South Korea)

This Episode was recorded on May 4th, 2022.

Guest: Erik Moynihan (Magpie Brewing Co. - South Korea)

Magpie was started in 2011 by four friends in a quiet alley in Seoul, South Korea and along the way helped spark an explosion of craft beer. In Korea, the magpie is known to herald good news; like the bird, it's Magpie's mission to spread great beer and craft beer culture across the country.

In 2012, Magpie opened its first small brew shop in the sleepy neighbourhood of kyungneedon, with just one pale ale on tap, which set off a flurry of pale ales being brewed across Korea.

In 2016, Magpie opened its brewery on the north side of spectacular Jeju Island. Repurposing an abandoned tangerine warehouse, the team built a beautiful brewery surrounded by the cleanest air and water in the country.

Magpie Brewing believes one shouldn't have to travel far to enjoy great beer - so it is their goal to offer Magpie across Korea.

Magpie likes to push boundaries and incorporate local unexpected ingredients (recently they made beers with Jeju tangerine peel used for Korean traditional medicine as well as sancho pepper and smoked Korean hobak pumpkins). Above all the brewery strives for balance and drinkability.

Be sure to check out their website for more information on this exciting brewery in the South Korea:


We hope you enjoy the episode!


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Garrett Cannella